Donate — Slam Dunk For Diabetes


Kids with diabetes have to cope with many challenges growing up.  They often feel alone and isolated.  Slam Dunk camps offer children with diabetes the chance to meet, learn and get support from other kids like them.  Lifelong friendships result.  But not all children with diabetes have access or can afford the high cost of going to a diabetes camp.  Slam Dunk staff feel that any child with diabetes should be able to experience and attend camp regardless of their ability to pay.  That is why Slam Dunk Camps are free.  You can help a child have a game-changing experience with your generous support of camp.



Be A Part Of The Slam Dunk Dynasty


One Day Clinic Sponsorship

A donation of $1,500 will sponsor a one day clinic of your choice. Your sponsorship includes the name of the sponsor on all marketing material specific for that clinic and camp application, an exhibit table at the event and a banner. Also, will be recognized by name as a clinic sponsor.

Dunking for Diabetes

A donation of $5,000 allows for partial sponsorship of one camp. Your sponsorship includes name of donor on marketing materials for that specific camp and camp application, an exhibit table at the event and a banner.

All-Star Sponsorship

A donation of $8,000 allows for sponsorship of one camp. Your sponsorship includes name of donor on all marketing material for that specific camp and camp application, sponsor name or logo on the t-shirts, an exhibit table at event and banner. Also, sponsor will be recognized by name as an All-Star.

MVP Sponsorship

A donation of $20,000 allows sponsorship of three camps of your choice. Your sponsorship includes the same as the All-Star Sponsorship and includes your company name on the t-shirts and bags for the particular camp sponsored. Also sponsor will be recognition by name, as an MVP Sponsor on our website and linked directly to company website.